Maria Rentetzi
This history of radiation protection has been shaped by many people and institutions: those who have survived cancer against all odds, those who have fallen victims to the horrors of nuclear weapons warfare, those who have been committed to researching radiation despite the risks, and those who have gathered in political, scientific or diplomatic committees hoping to regulate the atom.
The Living with Radiation exhibition showcases this multifaceted history by focusing on three interrelated themes: the human body (Tube A), its protection through specially designed garments and also scientific advancements (Tube B); regulation (Tube C). Numerous images from several archives and photographic collections across the globe are integrated into the exhibition, inviting visitors to discuss a wide range of topics from environmental challenges to nuclear medicine.
To offer a glimpse of what we plan, we share here the exhibition’s 3D-model designed by Spiros Flevaris and constructed by Alexander Topfstedt, Virea Wurm GmbH.